Emoji Go - The first Emoji Keyboard to support Emoji v.13.0 | Product Hunt Embed
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Emoji Go - _

Add it to your Google Chrome browser now. It's free.


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emoji goFeatures




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Last Emojis used

emoji goUnicode 13.0 ready

Grab all the latest Emoji v.13.0 and surprise your friends!
Emoji Go is the first Chrome extension to support Emojis v.13, even before Chrome itself!
Platforms and devices will start to recognize these Unicode characters starting from the second half of 2020.
We are ready 😎 and you?

Check this blog for the latest updates.

emoji goRoadmap

  • Launch

    In May 2020, a wild Emoji Go Chrome extension appears!

    - Browse emojis by category
    - Search emojis by keyword
    - Recent used
    - Auto-paste in last selected input-box
    - Forward support for Emojis v.13

  • Version 1.3

    - Skin tone modifiers
    - Enrich the synonyms db
    - Settings panel
    - ... more

  • Version 2

    This version will bring some unique features that are currently still a secret 🤫

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